Friday, May 21, 2010

{[NUEVO YORK]} in body paint

we came, we saw, we conquered.
face melting good show.
Best show of tour!

we wore underwear. one dude tried to peel the underwear off my (henry's) body. leif told me to find lee in Connecticut and give her a fake tattoo from KFC.

we danced to the sunglasses, we danced to the carnivores, we danced to ourselves, and then we danced to bad credit no credit.

we swept the party expo and now my throat hurts like a crazy. I ate a whole loaf of bread. I have umbrellas on me. I have skeleton legs on me. We beat the crap out of a keyboard during the last song.

Orion left the tour, he will be missed.

We (casey, brandon, henry, em, and billy) are all sleeping this narrow but cozy apartment... I've got a piano key and an earplug in my back pocket. my feet small


Its four fifteen AM and i'm way to tired to blog on this. -brandon

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